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Atorfimmut allagarsiissutaasumut qinnuteqarnissamut piffissaliussaq qaangiutereerpoq, aammalu atorfik qinnuteqarfigineqarsinnaajunnaareerppoq. Allagarsiussaq innersuussivittuinnaq takutinneqarpoq.
RS Services

5 Asiatic Hairdresser

RS Services

Ikkunneqarpoq: 29-11-2023
Piffissaq atuuffissaa naassaaq: 27-12-2023
Suliffissamut ID normut: 331584055
Atorfeqarnermi atugassarititaasut: Full-time
Suliassaqarfik: Services industry
Atorfiup taaguutaa: Hairdresser
Misilittakkat - Annertunerusumik: Hairdressing
English Excellent (written and spoken)

5 Asiatic Hairdresser


We are looking to hire 5 Full Time Asiatic Hairdresser to provide various hairdressing services to clients based on their needs, specifications, and preferences. 


Hairdresser Responsibilities:

  • Greeting and welcoming clients to the salon, maintaining a clean and organized work station, and recommending suitable hair care products to clients. You should also be able to identify chronic scalp conditions and advise clients to seek medical treatment.
  • Advising clients on suitable haircuts as well as hairstyles and hair color based on their physical features and hair type.
  • Cutting, trimming, and shaping clients' hair as well as wigs, hair extensions, hairpieces, and toupes based on clients’ preferences and specifications.
  • Shampooing, conditioning, and drying clients’ hair.
  • Providing various hair coloring treatments to clients after inquiring into possible hair dye sensitivities and allergies that they may have.
  • Using various hairstyling tools and equipment, including hair straighteners, curling irons, rollers, hairdryers, and hot combs, to style clients’ hair accordingly.
  • Cleaning and sterilizing all hairdressing tools and instruments to ensure that state health and safety standards are met.
  • Operating the cash register to process client payments when necessary.

Hairdresser Requirements:


  • Educated or trained  with a minimum work experience of 3 years
  • Flexible with working hours
  • Stable and with the ability to work under pressure.
  • The ability to follow instructions.
  • Excellent organizational and time management skills.
  • Effective communication skills.
  • Exceptional customer service skills.
  • Patient and detail-oriented.

Final Application date is 13.12.2023


For further information kindly contact us and we will be happy to hear from you soon !


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